Sunday, December 4, 2016

Yo, I can't focus for anything

Everyone said it. "The closer you get to being done, the harder it is to stay focused."
That never made sense to me, until this semester.  Especially since graduation is 2 WEEKS AWAY
Nonetheless, I am managing to write this short blog 34 minutes before midnight so yay me.

And I'll be honest, I had to take a break from the news y'all.  I was legit getting so far down in the dumps I found it hard to pull myself back out.  I love being informed, love NPR, loved getting a Sunday paper.  But I'm starting to remember why I blocked the news out for so long before taking this class.  It's scary.

I have, however, found solace in completing the Policy Meeting assignment.  Call me nerdy, but I was really into the city council meeting I attended.  I didn't know what they were talking about for the first 20-30 minutes, but once I caught on to things slightly I was like, whoa this is interesting.  It really sparked my curiosity for local politics in a new way and I could totally see myself trying to attend meetings regularly.

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