Sunday, December 11, 2016

last class and the feels

During the class I didn't expect to do the activity we did. I truly enjoyed it because throughout the year we learned from each other but the last class made me feel even more connected to my classmates. It helped me see that we all have been through bumps in life but we've never let us stop us. I'm proud of everyone in my class because they've gotten this far in life even through everything they've been through and continue to face day to day. I really enjoyed being in this class and will truly miss it.

Our Last Class Together

Thank you.

I really want to say thank you to everyone. I was able to come clean about a few things and even make some revelations about myself and I'm happy that I got to do that in a class full of genuine people. I didn't get to know a lot of you but it was amazing being able to learn about all of the different subjects that we covered this semester with all of you. Even when there was confusion and lack of experience with a topic, everyone was always respectful. That's really hard to come by these days.

Thank you K. Stone for making us feel unashamed about sharing our feelings, revealing how big our world is, and how we can improve it. Thank you for also treating us like people instead of just a name on a roster.

I hope that everyone has a successful end to the semester.

Thank you, again.

Last Class

Class on Thursday was a little emotional for all of us. But I feel Stone's class is the safest place on campus for me to express my feelings. It is where I feel the most comfortable, I think we all walk in class with a different demeanor than in our other classes.

I have never had a professor that has gotten this deep in discussions, but I love it. Even though certain topics make us uncomfortable, I think we need to feel that uncomfortableness to learn and grow more with one another.  I have heard and seen so many views over the semester that have taken me on an emotional roller coaster.

From being sad, to mad, to disappointed, angry and confused, it has all made me a better student and citizen.

I just want to thank everyone in the class for being brave enough to share their stories and trust us enough, I feel like we will forever have an unspoken bond.

I hope no one feels alone after our discussion, we all have issues and we are all working through them the best we can, no human being can judge another human being on this earth.

Last blog!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday and I hope everyone has a good break! I am really glad I got to be in this class specifically because I feel like everyone added something great to it! This class has made me realized how important it is to stay informed and to be open minded about other's opinions. It taught me so much and I learned so much from all of you! Congratulations to everyone that is graduating!


On Thursday we all shared some really personal things about ourselves. Some of the stuff we shared was not easy. I know some of us questioned if we really wanted to let the whole class know such personal information about ourselves. I know I, and others, left the class feeling pretty off.

 Just remember, we cannot change where we come from or who we are. You should not be ashamed of who we are because you have the potential to bring something beautiful and wonderful to this world. I truly believe that everybody in this class will be able to leave this world a better place.

Saying that, on Thursday we will be leaving Family Policy and continuing on our own path. Congratulations to those who are graduating, we made it! Good luck to those who are almost done! You can make it, I promise. I wish everybody the best of luck with their own path. We all have the potential to make a difference in this world, no matter how small.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss

Monday, December 5, 2016

Sanctuary Campus- Texas State

Recently, Texas State students have felt like more than ever the campus need to be made sanctuary to protect any and all students. "A sanctuary campus is a designation for a college or university in the United States that adopts policies to protect students who are undocumented immigrants. The term is modeled after "sanctuary city," a status that has been adopted by over 30 municipalities." With all the recent hate crimes, I think students are scared and reacting to the horrible crimes that have been committed thus far, rightfully so. More now than ever, students want to be heard and understood. I think this is a great idea for the campus and go only further benefit Texas State and make it a safer campus.

Trump and China

Personally, one of my biggest fears with Trump's soon to be presidency is his interaction with other countries. He is not very popular when it comes to his delivery in America, so am I frightful in hearing how he chooses to address another country, especially countries he clearly has no respect for. Already the President Elect is making comments about China via twitter. He posted multiple tweets criticizing  China's monetary policy. Is that really what America's focus should be at the moment, China's monetary policy? I feel like America has much bigger fish to fry. To help keep America from being bombed I request the President Elect's twitter account be deleted as soon as possible.