Sunday, December 4, 2016

"We need someone with more experience"

This semester is my last semester of college. Thank the Lord. However, I am having some major issues.. I have literally applied for so many jobs it's unreal, and every single time I have gotten the same response. "You seem like a great candidate, but unfortunately we are seeking someone with  experience in the industry already." Like, seriously?? I am  terribly sorry that I have been going to college for the past four years so that I can have a better future and job opportunities just to be told that I do not have enough experience in everything I have applied for. How the heck am I ever supposed to gain experience if someone doesn't give me the chance to start? It has been stressing me out so bad and literally all semester that is all I have been able to concentrate on. I have a couple internships but apparently nothing to really help me out that majorly. I have supported myself all through college waitressing/bartending and now that all my hard work to graduate is finally coming to an end, THAT IS THE RESPONSE I GET.  I know eventually someone is bound to give me a break but my lesson is learned that when people say college graduates have a hard time finding jobs after graduation it is a definite true fact and it sucks. So if anyone knows of anything, holla at ya girl! It's almost laughable how many times I've gotten the "more experience" response LOL. In the meantime I'll just keep on trying and keep on getting rejected till I find that gem in the sand to give my poor soul a chance.

The struggle is real.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's hard. I'm in the same boat right now but you just have to keep telling yourself that a hundred no's doesn't mean that you won't get a yes.
