Sunday, November 6, 2016

2016 Election

As the election approaches on Tuesday, I am finding that a lot of people that I have spoken to are very out spoken about the election, and who they think (or who should not) become president. Yet, I am finding that they are not voting. I find it very odd that some can be so opinionated about something that they are not even going to participate in. This election is yet another election that is going to go down in history, for many reasons including controversy, yet they are not going to vote, and they are going to still place their very strong opinion on you. In my personal opinion... if you're not going to vote, you no longer have the luxury to speak to me about the election.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Out of all of my friends I am the only one that has voted, and many of them have strong opinions about the election but are not going to vote.. It is very frustrating, especially because this election will affect our generation the most. It is very sad to experience/witness all of this.

  2. I have been noticing the same thing and it is driving me crazy. Your opinion doesn't matter and doesn't change anything unless you are acting on it! So if you're going to have such strong opinions about a candidate at least do something about it!
