Sunday, November 6, 2016

2016 Election

I am seriously concerned for America for the first time really ever since I have been alive and it is making me so nervous for the outcome Tuesday night. Obviously most people in this class are Hillary supporters fully which is totally fine but honestly I completely am not. I do not support Hillary one bit and while I don't necessarily support Trump either I do think  that he is the better candidate. Trump is all bark and no bite. Everyone complains about his hot headed temper and that he would be the one to bomb other countries and start massive wars if he gets angry but I do not think that is true whatsoever. He is not what America needs but I do think that Hillary is a threat and I do not trust her. It's also starting to get to me that our opinions are supposed to be open in this class but if I were to state my opinion on certain matters we have discussed other students would immediately start breaking my opinions down and why the other way is right and not mine. I'm only saying that because I have seen it happen a couple times which is why I honestly stay quiet most times because I really don't agree with the majority of my fellow classmates. Which is perfectly okay. We are all entitled to our own opinions but it is aggravating knowing that expressing our opinion is encouraged only until our opinions are not the same as the majority of the class.
Anyways, back to the election. Another reason a lot of girls do not like Trump is because of the sexual comments he has made towards women. But what man hasn't? He shouldn't say those things I agree but really choosing a criminal over a man who makes sexual comments is pretty dumb in my opinion. So what he has said awful things. So has Hillary. She has said extremely awful things but where is the lashing out on her for that? It's not because for some reason everyone likes to look past the fact that she is a liar and a criminal and I just do not understand. I know saying "the lesser of two evils" has been discussed and shamed a little in class but I stand my ground when I say that I am literally choosing the lesser of two evils for this election. They are both awful and they both scare me. Just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you feel you are not able to speak your opinions in class. Nobody should have to feel that they cannot speak their mind. That is not how it should be. I hope you will not fear speaking your mind in the future because your voice should be heard as well. I do not like knowing that a fellow classmate feels they are not encouraged to voice a different point of view. Listening to different points of view is how we better meet the needs of those we work with. Isn't that one of the points of family policy, to find how we can better meet the needs of individuals we may be working with?
