Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving Shopping

 I've worked retail for over two years. I don't do it because the pay is great or because the hours are flexible. I mostly did it because for an FM major, retail is the most accessible  experience that you can get. Because of that, I have worked for on Thanksgiving for most of my college career. My biggest problem with stores being open on Thanksgiving is the fact that a lot of retailers will boast about how their company culture values family. It is impossible for me to see how that can be when "Marcia" the cashier has to skip out on dinner early just for people to get a measly 20% off of a TV.

An argument that I hear a lot is that I just shouldn't work retail but that is not an option for people in y major who need work experience before applying for FM focused internships or jobs. There's also the argument that paramedics, doctors, nurses, police officers etc. don't have the option to take the day off but there is a huge difference between a doctor saving a life on a holiday and "Jill" from Green Bay getting her 3-wick candles for 20 cents off the original price on Thanksgiving.

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