Sunday, November 20, 2016

Being Thankful

To take a break from all the political posts and such I just wanted to talk a little about how grateful I am. My life has taken a ton of twists and turns and there has been so many great times and some really bad times over the years but I can definitely say that I am so thankful to be where I am today. Graduation is approaching and the more I've looked back on my time in college I've realized that we all should be thankful to have been given a great opportunity to get an education and better ourselves. Mine has been through student loans that I will probably be digging myself out of for years and years to come lol but compared to the level of poverty that others are in we should really appreciate what we have. I am going to challenge myself to always find ways to help out those in need and to never loose sight of how fortunate I really am.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

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