Sunday, November 27, 2016

Black Friday Stories

I was not one of those people who had to work but all of my friends did. They each complained to me how it went. I had a friend who works at Target and they did not open until 6PM but she went in at three and said that there was people in line before that time. To me that is just insane, like did you even spend time with your family. Like what is it about those deals that makes everyone pick those then sitting at a table sharing time with their family. I also had a friend who went into work and ten minutes into work they were cleaning up someones pee, like come on if that was an adult that is gross, but if it was a child then why were the parents not paying attention to their child instead of going crazy for those sales. I also saw so many snapchats of people who were working and some stores were crazy packed. And there was also people sleeping on the benches they have at the mall, like I don't get why people do the most for some sales. I needed to go get a gift that I forgot to get the week prior, it was the most difficult thing, and I only went in for a gift card. I feel like there is no time during the weekend where the stores were slow. I hope anyone who worked this busy weekend got time to spend time with their families.

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