Sunday, November 20, 2016

Will you stand up for your neighbor?

Now that the election is over I feel like I have nothing to blog about anymore. The country is in a super weird place right now and it just seems like everyone is holding their breath until something happens.

I think it's easier to just focus on my five group projects instead of thinking about the election and the outcome of our country.

I know many people are concerned because they are of a different race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and whatever else. And I completely agree I'm worried too but I just want to put it out there that if there comes a time when one person is being discriminated against based on something that is not just I am going to stand and I am going to protect my neighbor. And I think this is an important question we all need to ask ourselves.. "Are you going to stand for your neighbor when times get rough?" I know I will and I hope that brings someone comfort because maybe one day my neighbor will be taking a stand for me.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Be kind to one another. Show Compassion. Show Courage. Be the Change. Make a Change. Love one another.

All of these run through my mind and they comfort me in these very weird and messed up times. I think if we all thought this way and acted this way the world just might be an okay place to be.

And maybe it is easier said than done, but we can all at least try.

1 comment:

  1. This really made me think about what I would do if I was ever in a situation like that. I would really hope that I would defend someone who was being discriminated against. It is really easy to say that we would but it is another story when you are in the situation. I still feel very strongly about it all and I hope that my desire to make a difference stays with me and never wears off. I hope I never start to sit back and let things happen as time passes.
