Sunday, November 20, 2016

relaxing weekend

I was off work this weekend and came home to see my mom and some other family. It was so great to relax and enjoy time with family. My nieces (one is 4 and one is almost 2) were in town and i got to see them today. Lets just say spending an entire day with them is excellent birth control.... I am so exhausted from chasing them around all day but loved every minute of it.
But yesterday, my mom wanted me to watch this episode of Dr. Phil with her about a college aged girl who was raped at a party and the rapist was set free. The whole story gave me chills and really had me thinking. She was at a frat party hanging out, drinking, having a good time when she met this guy (and she was told that he was gay). They hit it off and next thing you know the guy asked if she wanted to go across the street to his apt to get some more alcohol. She should not have gone but she did. Once they got to his apt, he began to violently sexually assault her. After the rape, she ran out and called the cops. She had to go to the hospital because of her injuries. The paramedics and detectives she dealt with were all male and treated her terribly. They made her feel that she was at fault for going to his place to begin with and the detective even told her that the case probably would not go anywhere. He was arrested that day but eventually released because a friend of his set up the victim by recording a phonecall he had with her where she unintentionally said "yes" to a question about the sex being consensual. I am rambling on but to sum it up. nearly a year later the case was reopened and more victims began to come forward about this particular guy raping them also. He ended up getting 6 years in prison for the crime. But this showed me how badly rape is treated and that victims do not like to come forward because of this. I was disgusted by the way she was treated by the police and detectives. Something needs to change so that people will feel comfortable coming forward if they are victims. This had a positive ending and the hope was to let victims know that they can and should speak up about being raped. There is hope and justice can be served. This was very scary to watch because it was on a college campus where rape happens way too often.
 Everyone be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many sad stories where rape cases end badly for the victim and like you said that keeps people from reporting these crimes. I am glad that more victims came forward and this monster was put behind bars before he could hurt even more people. It sucks that justice wasn't served for the girl in the first place but it is good that justice was finally served. There are so many rapists walking the streets today and I agree it is very scary being a college aged female and I would hope these crimes get reported more often to spare others from the violence.
