Sunday, October 23, 2016

Back to the Chapstick

I have such a bad feeling in my stomach and it has been with me since last night. I was with a couple of friends and we decided to grab a late night snack.. Well one of my friends apparently didn't like her tea very much so she decided to roll down the window and she threw the cup out!!!! Like what?!? She is one of those friends that I'm not like super close to so I couldn't just be like why the heck did you do that cause it would have felt sooo awkward but then again me just letting her throw it out the window like that without saying anything is just like me committing the recycling crime myself! So I sat there and contemplated for a little bit and then I was just like screw it, I'm going to say something regardless of how awkward it may feel. I then turned around and I was like "dude how can you just litter so easily? Doesn't that weigh on your conscious?" And she immediately like sunk down and regretted throwing it out. I felt bad for saying something but then again if everyone threw trash out the window that easily we would have a complete litter problem everywhere and I can't live thinking I didn't say anything about it! Ugh, it seriously makes me so mad knowing that people litter so often and don't think twice about it. Where is the respect? Where are the manners? I was so mad!!!

Anyways, I immediately thought of the chap stick story and how relatable the situation was. I am happy I said something the more I think about it though because hopefully she won't ever be a nasty littering crime committer ever again!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!! that's awesome that you said something but i would have felt so awkward too and honestly don't know if i would have even spoke up.. The people above me on the 3rd floor at my apt always toss their beer cans down to the ground and i have been picking them up a lot. I want to say something but i can't bring myself to do it! People make me so angry.
