Sunday, October 23, 2016

Topics Discussed in class

We have discussed so many topics when everyone talked on Thursday. However there were a few that really made me think. One was about the man who did not get the amount of punishment for his abasement of his child. What is happening these days when it comes to this topic is appalling and makes me sick. When people make these decision about how many years or how much time should be served for their crimes. When these people do not get any time it makes their crimes seem like they are not that bad, this makes the victims feel like their attacks are not worth having justice. Its really terrible.

Also it was very interesting meeting the man who is running for Governor. He made many good points and lots of things to consider. I was happy to hear him talk and answer our questions.


  1. I think the court system is so messed up sometimes. No matter the situation, if an adult is raping a child that should be definite prison time. It sickens me thinking that man is getting away with molestation and the daughter has to live with that as a memory of her father for the rest of his life.

  2. I agree with you. We are constantly hearing about people committing horrible crimes, such as rape, yet they don't get the punishment they deserve. It makes we wonder when there will be an end to this? When will criminals get the actual punishment they deserve? I just don't understand the thought process the judge had for giving him such a light sentence. Cases like this one are the reason may choose to remain silent.

  3. It's hard hearing that people who do such horrible acts get away with it, like it'll never happen again. Yes people do learn from there mistakes but not if they aren't punished right way. To be honest it's gross that a father could do that to their daughter... we need to work on strengthing our court system.
