Sunday, October 16, 2016


I watched SNL and their segment mocking the previous debate. It had me laughing so much and also made me angry because the debate really was such a joke and Trump is a COMPLETE joke.
A while back at work,  I dealt with a very disrespectful older man. 2 of my coworkers (both female) and I were printing out his fishing license and he says "why are you doing this? this is a man's job" He continued by tossing trash towards my coworker and saying "throw this away woman". He also said to me "aren't you in school woman? can't you read what my license says?" when i asked him which address was the correct one. This guy thought he was being funny and it was not funny at all. We should have gotten a manager but we just dealt with it and we shouldn't of had to. We were so uncomfortable and disgusted by all of his comments and thinking back his actions kind of make me think of Trump and how he disrespects women. "locker room talk" okay..
 I am ready for the election just to get it over with and i hope and pray that Trump does not win. It scares me to think of what will happen if he does. I know so many people that are choosing not to vote just because they do not want either but that does not help anything! Everyone vote. It does matter.
I am beyond stressed and completely unmotivated to do school work. I need to get it together so i can be done and graduate in May! I know i can do it.

1 comment:

  1. I too am terrified of what may come from the election. I am pretty stoked though to hear from our class after, buckle up it is going to be a wild ride. And I feel you with the lack of motivation! I graduate in December and am shitting bricks.
