Sunday, October 30, 2016

Voting Turnout

So even though this election has been one of the most complicated and most controversial the voter turnout has been better than the previous election years. This is awesome because people are finally realizing that they can make the difference. What is interesting is that most people I talk to are not happy with the way the election is and are not happy with the presidential candidates we are forced to choose from.
So are voters voting for the lesser of two evils?
Or are voters voting because they actually have an ideal candidate in mind?
Either way I'm glad people are voting I just wish it was under better circumstances

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree! This was my second election to vote, both in early voting, and the wait time to vote was exponentially longer this time around. Last time, I stood in line maybe for half and hour. This past week, I stood in line for an hour and a half at 7 in the morning. While I was really not feeling the long line, I agree that having a big turnout this time is commendable. I feel like this election is so different than other elections, in that most people dislike both of them so much, but have really strong opinions on their choice for candidate.
