Sunday, October 16, 2016

Can this election just be over already?

This election keeps getting worse. After all the disgusting things Trump has said about women and the nine women who have come forward saying he forcefully groped or touched them people decided to go after Hilary regarding her husbands infidelity back in the 90’s and things she said about the mistress. Personally I think that attack on her is ridiculous. The things that come out of Donald Trump’s mouth are outrageous and these accusations against him should have people worried. Why would we want an abuser to be the leader of our country? To teach boys that this kind of behavior towards women is okay? A quote from the article that resonated with me was ““You guys talk about protecting me,” she recalled telling the men in her life who are supporting Mr. Trump. “But the fact is you’re voting for someone like that. So how can you protect me when you’re electing someone that you’re trying to protect me from?”” My own father is a Trump supporter and it blows my mind. I am ready for the nastiness of this election to be over and hope that we don’t end up with Trump.

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