Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Suck on that, you clown!"

Let's talk about this clown business.

Three people have been arrested and charged in these clown incidents over the past few weeks.  A teenager in Austin, Noah Hollingsworth, was arrested for making threats against his high school and two women, Jaime Salinis and Elandra Sledge, were arrested in Roseville, Michigan for chasing and threatening teenage girls in their area. 

Considering that a student at Texas State was nearly harmed by someone in a clown costume, I'm very happy that some of these people are being held accountable for their actions. I am personally terrified of clowns and the fact that people are dressing up like them with the intent of inciting fear and making threats is even more terrifying. 

I really hope that this is the end of all of this clown nonsense but there's always somebody who just has to make a terrible joke. 


  1. Last week I was walking to the FCD building to print out paper work after my 8pm class and I overheard one of the custodians telling a campus police officer that they had seen people dressed in clown suits walking by outside of the building. I immediately felt paranoid and uncomfortable! Whatever this is it needs to stop already!

  2. I hate clowns so much and this is not funny at all! Even if these people are just dressing up and doing it as a prank they are going to end up getting hurt or accidentally hurting someone else. They think it's funny but it's not funny once they get arrested for it! I don't even understand how people have the time to do this!

  3. I can not believe this happened to you! That is seriously my worst nightmare! Speaking of nightmares... The other night I was scrolling through facebook before bed and I kept seeing clown articles so I guess it was in my mind because I had the most horrific nightmare of a clown attacking me and I will never be the same after that dream. So now every time I'm outside I seriously think I am about to get attacked. Someone is going to get hurt pranking in these costumes and I just don't think this is funny at all to make people feel so uncomfortable at night.
