Sunday, October 16, 2016

Some Good News and a Small Rant

An American Cancer Society 5k for breast cancer in Point Pleasant, New Jersey had over 16,000 participants and raised over $1 million in donations. The number of participants is making this particular walk the largest in the state of New Jersey. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month but I feel like raising awareness has taken a back seat to the circus known as the Presidential election. 

I'm not going to pretend that the election isn't important but health care is a huge topic and it effects everyone, including people that are currently fighting or have fought some form of  cancer. Even though there have been a lot of questions aimed at the Presidential candidates about health care, none of them have actually given a thoughtful or appropriate answer. Contrary to Trump's belief, the answer to a question about healthcare reform is not "I will defeat ISIS." 

Hats off to New Jersey and the American Cancer Society for breaking records and raising awareness about breast cancer. I hope that the funds raised will do a lot of good for people fighting cancer and hopefully we will start seeing some real answers about the health care situation from the presidential candidates. 

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