Sunday, September 25, 2016

Being aware of the news

I'm not going to lie.. I am pretty bad at keeping up with the news. I try but I'm obviously living on a college budget so I do not spend extra on cable and things I do not think as necessary. I would have never even known about the Macy's shooting or the Illinois shooting if it had not been for seeing the previous blogs. That is so scary to me that I am so blind sided. I have been listening to NPR more now and I never used to but  I'm starting to realize the harsh reality in the world and living in my little bubble isn't going to cut it for needing to be prepared for if this sort of thing actually goes down. I can't imagine going through a shooting but I do know that we all need to be prepared because with the way the world is today it is possible everywhere we go. On top of that, it is also very scary to think that people are so rash and make anger decisions so quickly and that is why these shootings and killings are happening. We need to always be aware of our surroundings and what is going on in the world around us even if that means only having access to radio news stations because it is better to be at least a little informed than not informed at all!

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