On Wednesday, a 14 year old boy went to the playground at Townville Elementary School in South Carolina and shot two students, and one teacher. He shot one student in the leg, the other in the foot, and the teacher in the shoulder. The student that was shot leg, Jacob Hall, is currently in the hospital suffering from a major brain injury. When Jacob was shot in the leg, the bullet hit his femoral artery. This then led to massive blood loss, which then led to a major brain injury. The other student and the teacher have been released from the hospital.
Before the shooter went to the school, it is suspected he fatally shot his father. Also before the shooter began shooting at the playground, he called his grandparents crying and mumbling. His grandparents became worried and went to his house where they found the shooter's father, their son, dead.
The shooter never made it inside the elementary school because a firefighter, Jamie Brock, apprehended him. The shooter is being charged with the murder of his father, and the attempted murder of the two students, and teacher.
It is upsetting to me that will live in a world where children are attempting to murder other children. The shooter being a teenager, leads me to consider how impulsive this boy probably is. Had he taken the time to truly think about what he was doing, I wonder if he would have made the same decision.
I am incredibly saddened for the parents of Jacob Hall, who is in very critical condition in the hospital. I cannot imagine the pain and fear they are going through right now knowing their child may never recover. I am saddened for the other student and the teacher who were shot, that they had to go through that trauma. I am saddened for the children and the families this shooting has affected. I am saddened for the family of the shooter. How do you deal with knowing what your son, grandson has done, and grieve the loss of his father? I am also saddened for the shooter himself, because there are so many other options than to kill. He will have to live with this decision the rest of his life and suffer the consequences of his actions, as he should.
It is so upsetting to hear about a school shooting because the school is supposed to be a safe space for the kids and parents are supposed to feel comfortable sending their kids off to school. When something like this happens, it is almost a reminder of how screwed up the world has become. I can't understand what this young boys motive would be to kill his father and then go to an elementary school. I am also saddened for the shooter himself and everyone involved.