It is really interesting to me to see that a lot of people are really upset with the people who are making a lot of money, instead of the politicians who can be bought with money. I think that we owe it to ourselves to be more aware of what are politicians intentions are and who they are aligning themselves with. So I do not want to say that its our fault, but we are the ones putting these people in office, we are the voters, we should be the ones making making sure that the less fortunate are being taken care of by our state, and by those of us who are really able to help them.
I think that if we as voters held our politicians and those who represent us accountable, we wouldn't have such disparity in taxation. I believe that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, and I think its unfair that a CEO pays a lower tax rate then his secretary, but if they can buy a politician into creating an amendment which allows that, is it the CEO to blame or the politician? Its like if a dog keeps getting into the trash can and making a mess, its our fault because they will just try to do it because they can. But if we put a lid on the trash can so the dog can't get in it, we stop them from making the mess. If that makes any sense to y'all, but in my mind thats how I think of it.
I agree with what you said about who we are putting in office. It is unfortunate that many of us are not involved and are quick to point the finger without realizing that we are partially to blame. Also, the dog in the trash!