Sunday, September 11, 2016

Turkeys Tackling Hunger

It's September now and even though its technically not yet Fall, it is. Which means, let's talk about the holidays! Night Hawk Frozen Foods from Buda is teaming up with our very own Hays County Food bank for the third year in a row to provide the ingredients necessary for delicious Thanksgiving meals in their efforts called 'Turkeys Tackling Hunger'. These families are receiving foods such as frozen turkeys, pumpkin, yams, green beans, stuffing corn and mashed potatoes. These families can enjoy the holidays with a meal and their loved ones making precious memories, HOW AWESOME?! Last year these two teams joined together and created over 3,100 boxes of meals feeding over 11,000 individuals in our community! The anticipated holiday meal boxes for this year is higher than before and while the Hays County Food bank serves nearly 12,000 food insecure residents monthly this is an awesome event coming up. It's always nice to see neighbors lending their time where it matters. (You can sign up to volunteer at

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