Sunday, September 18, 2016

 After we discussed poverty in class I went home and talked to my friends and family about what I had learned in class. Like me, they never really stopped to think of what an immense issue poverty has become. I feel like so many people just live there lives and do not pay attention to what is going on around them, myself being one of them. After discussing for an hour we still could not come up with just one solution to this problem. How can we fix poverty? There are so many areas we can attempt to do interventions in but I feel like it all leads to the same Money is what is needed in one way or another. If only we could just grow money on trees! But of course the solution is not that simple.

Another issue that has been on my mind all week are the statistics on how many children are affected by poverty. This issue makes me think twice when I want to complain about how bad my day is going. I constantly remind myself that there is someone out there who is going through a worse situation than me, so I should be grateful with what I have. I cannot even imagine what these individuals go through every day not knowing if they will have something to eat the following day or if they will be able to find a ride to school. Some of these children do not even have the privilege to receive an education. I find myself being more appreciative of everything in life especially the little things. I also think it is pretty neat that there are programs who feed these children during the summer so they can at least have one good meal throughout the day. I am sure many parents are appreciative of these programs.

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