We touched very briefly on the Brock Turner case in class and this is something that I have been following since it happened. Now that Brock has been released from jail on "good behavior", I have seen a couple different articles about how his parents are afraid for his life because he is now being threatened constantly and neighbors in the area are not welcoming him home... Are you kidding me? He's afraid for his life? In case you aren't sure what I am referring to, Brock Turner raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster on the Stanford University campus. He was only sentenced to 6 months in a county jail and given probation because the judge feared that a longer sentence would impact his life too severely. Again, is this a joke? When reading all of the headlines about the case, Brock was always referred to as a great swimmer, as if his swim times made him a better person. The victim wrote an open letter to Brock that sent chills down my spine and made me sick to my stomach to read. In case you missed it, you can click
here to read the letter. His father then also released a letter in which he said that his son should not be punished for "20 minutes of action" and that his life is forever changed, going on to say that he has no appetite and can't even enjoy a ribeye steak anymore (his favorite). Click
here for the letter from Brock's father. Fast forward to today, Brock is afraid for his life and his parents do not think he deserves to live this way. Protesters have been outside of Brock's home since the news of his early release broke. They have been holding signs that say things such as "castrate rapists", "no sympathy for rapists" and "shoot your local rapist". It is outrageous to me that his own peace could even be considered after what he did. He received the most lenient sentence possible and did not even serve the whole sentence! Someone also drew an arrow in chalk in the street pointing to Brock's family home and wrote "rapist" along side of it. I'm pretty sure the neighbors fear for their daughters lives now as well. The real kicker of it all is that in the state of California, where the rape occurred, they take rape cases more seriously and give harsher sentences if the woman was conscious... So because she was drunk and unconscious, it's okay? In case this entire thing doesn't rile you up enough, there was a facebook page called "Brock Turner Family Support" and they have posted many different things discouraging drinking instead of discouraging rape. The page has since been removed but they posted a status saying "Brock is a kind and gentle boy, deep down he means well. This whole thing could have easily been avoided if all parties behaved responsibly. Please help us raise awareness, no other family should have to endure the pain and ostracization we have faced as a family. He is not a monster, he had a momentary lapse in judgement. Please share to help educate others on the dangers of excessive drinking" with a picture attached that said "It is every parent's responsibility to teach their daughter about the dangers of excessive drinking"... Well, most people on facebook did not appreciate that and fixed the status to look like this...

I don't know about you, but I agree with this one...
This case brought to light so many problems with rape culture and state laws when dealing with rape. Maybe I am being one-sided on this but I can't believe the victim blaming that has occurred. I would love to hear your opinions about this case.
I completely agree, victim blaming when it comes to rate disgusts me and is sadly very common in society. It is outrageous that they are saying that it is every parents responsibility to teach daughters about the dangers of drinking as if they are also at fault and her intoxication is an excuse for his disturbing behavior. He had a "lapse of judgement" that has effected that woman life for forever and got off easy when it came to law enforcement but he will have to suffer the consequences of the publics outrage.In my opinion the judge was extremely lenient and is probably just as sick as Brock Turner and his father. There was no justice for the woman and it amazes me that people would actually have sympathy for Brock. I do not believe things should get violent but I do think he deserves to deal with the anger people have towards him.