Sunday, September 18, 2016


This week whenever we were discussing poverty after hearing the numbers I was really in shock. The Unites States growing up has been talked about as a great country. Now that I am old enough to realize things on my own I know that is a huge lie. There is such a big difference between the upper class and the middle class and a bigger difference between upper class and the poverty line. I think the statistics presented are also misleading. This weeks lectures have really helped me realized that our country is sinking in poverty. We have a really bad taxation system, by making a lower amount have the same taxation as a higher amount. Also the minimum wage is providing no help. Basic items for survival like shelter, clothing, and food aren't getting any cheaper. Yet our paychecks aren't getting any bigger. It truly sucks that some people in our country can't even afford these necessities because of the greediness of our government.


  1. After watching the documentary in class, I left with an uneasy feeling. Obviously I knew that there is a lower, middle, and upper class... but what caught me off guard was how within one single street, you can go from one of a street, where some of the richest people in the world live, to the opposite side of the exact same street to see where some of the poorest people in the US.
    It amazes me, that somes that living in the Upper East Side, can influence our US polotics, government, Wall Street, etc. I just wish that there was the drive within the US to help each other out. To take the time to help the ones that live on the opposite end of the street. Honestly, it is disgusting.

  2. I find it interesting that so many of my classmates are having the same feeling I did when watching the film. Although, I am sure that was what it was intended to do. It is scary how there is no clear fair divide amongst the classes and how so many families are suffering financially. The clip Stone showed us on Thursday gave me chills...I am not sure if it was because of the visuals in the video or the fact that I know what it is like to have that drowning feeling of fear, not knowing if you are going to make it to the next paycheck. I want to be optimistic and say that things will change but well...

  3. I found it that if minimum wage was raised at least a couple of dollars it would really make a difference, maybe not a huge difference but it anything helps. That video made me upset, the fact that those people can live on that street knowing that the next street over is run down and that families are struggling and don't do anything about it... pisses me off. people with money only stop to think about themselves only. it kills me inside to know that.. but the struggle is real and the ones who notice what needs to be changed will be the true winners in life.
