Sunday, September 25, 2016

Macys Shooting

I didn't know that this shooting had happened at all, maybe I had been living under a rock or something but I wasn't aware of it at all. I went to work on Saturday and I work at the mall in austin so I was hearing about it, so we had to do a drill. I was so shocked and completely disgusted and how could this even happen and why do I have to prepare for it to happen?? Like its so crazy and makes me full of anxiety and what if this does happen to me? Am I ready to deal with something life this, like it could almost make someone not want to leave the house anymore. There needs to be something happening in the political world, either party needs to do something to make us feel safe again.


  1. I completely understand your concern on this issue. Every time I listen to the news something bad has happened. Whether it's a terrorist attack, a shooting, a robbery, the list can go on. I often think about when I have kids some day and if I will even want them to go to a public school because I would worry about their safety. Something definitely needs to be done to improve our safety and the safety of future generations.

  2. After 2 days have passed, and more information has come out about the shooting, it is absolutely crazy that his man is still awall. The "good" news is that the police do not think this shooting is an act of terroism. That is literally the only good news that could come about it. With all of the other acts of terroism currently going on in our world, we do not need one more incident to add. Even though this is one of the most heart breaking/ close to home stories I have read in a long time, it still does not make it okay for a man... a young man to come into a store and randomly shoot up 5 people, and leave without a trace! We need to find this man!
